4 Ways To Give Back This Fall

4 Ways To Give Back This Fall


1. Give To A Local Food Pantry


Food pantries rely on donations to help those in need all year round and especially during the holiday season. You can find a food pantry near you by checking with local churches or even a simple google search. Remember that pantries are in need of primarily non-perishable items. You can also consider asking the local pantry if they are in need of non-food items such as hygiene supplies. We have a program in our city called Mercy Meals which provides hot breakfast to all who come to their doorstep. They accept donations of breakfast food and disposable dishware to keep running.

2. Give Away Clothing You No Longer Wear


As the seasons change it is always a good idea to sort through your clothing and see what you no longer get much use of and donate it. Donating old clothes could not be easier if you have a Big Brother Big Sister foundation nearby. You can go right on their website and request a pickup date and they will pick up your (bagged) donation items right off your porch. Otherwise, you can always find a thrift shop to donate to such as Savers. Something to remember is to be mindful of what you donate. Don’t just toss any old item of clothing you don’t want into a bag and call it a day. Make sure you’re donating things that someone could actually get use out of, not ripped or stained clothing. If you have torn or stained clothes consider cutting them up into rags to use for cleaning (and helping the environment) or tossing them out.

3. Give A Cash Donation To A Charity of Your Choice


A few times out of the year I try to make donations to charities that I support. The main charities I support are St Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Boston Children’s Hospital, and Veteran’s causes. You don’t have to donate a large sum, simply make a donation you can afford whether it be 5$ or 20$. It is very important to me before making a donation, to fully understand who and what I am donating to. I suggest that you also do your research first to avoid scams or organizations that don’t actually help people the way they claim to.

4. Donate Your Time


Last but certainly not least is to consider donating your time this holiday season. This could mean so many different things. You could contact your local nursing homes and see if they need volunteers. Call up a friend or relative and see if they’d like you to watch their child so they can get a little time away. Similarly, getting in touch with a new mom or new parents and checking on how they are doing and adjusting (everyone always asks about the baby. Sometimes the parents need to be checked up on too – new parenthood is quite a ride!). It could mean ringing the doorbell of an elderly relative and bringing them a homemade treat.

There are so many ways to give back this holiday season and any time of the year. I hope this post inspires you to do one, or all the things listed!

Sending you love and light,


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