On Vulnerability
“The moment that you feel that, just possibly, you’re walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself. That’s the moment you may be starting to get it right” – Neil Gaiman
I came across this quote on Pinterest the other day and it really struck me. Vulnerability has been a theme in my life lately. Being vulnerable and expressing your inner thoughts, struggles even, it can be very difficult. I was both proud and terrified when I posted my “Why I Write” post earlier this week. I had been mulling over what to post to my blog for a while because I felt incredibly stuck “inspiration” wise. But I just started writing about my grandmother, in what ended up being my last post. And the words spilled out.
When I started this blog I wasnt sure I wanted to be so… open. I wasnt sure I wanted to call my website, my name. I was afraid of being open, vulnerable. But honestly, that fear of vulnerability is senseless because there is nothing I appreciate more than simple, human honesty. I appreciate people who share their stories, who share their experiences. It’s sometimes easier to live life going through the motions and keeping everything to inside rather than to risk feeling exposed, vulnerable, etc.
The thing is though, if every person did this, we would all feel so alone. I am thankful that we live in a world where slowly but surely so many things we deal with as humans (mental illness, abuse, parenting struggles, etc) are becoming less stigmatized to talk about and the this is because of sharing our individual stories. When you know you are not alone, it is easier (albeit still difficult. I’m not trying to simplify this) to feel a little more hope.
So…don’t fear vulnerability. Don’t be afraid to share the stories in your heart. You may very well be helping someone else, whether it is today or five years from now when they come across what you shared.
Happy Wednesday all, I hope this post finds you well 🙂