Songversations Series : Songs for 2020

Songversations Series : Songs for 2020

As I mentioned in my last post, I want to do things a little differently with my blog this year. There are things I’ve never written about here before simply because I didn’t think anyone would read it. But I’m realizing that it doesn’t really matter if no one reads it. If I want to write about something that is important to me why shouldn’t I? Blogging is my hobby after all and there are no rules to this! With…

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I don’t really know where to begin with this post so I’ll just spit it out: I’ve lost my way with blogging. While I do enjoy blogging, I don’t feel like the posting schedule I’ve been doing for the past few months is quite working for me anymore. It’s not that I can’t keep to a schedule, I can, but committing to a schedule means sometimes putting out posts that I’m not fully invested in and I don’t really like…

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5 Practical Self Care Tips

5 Practical Self Care Tips

In the past few years, the term “self-care” has been everywhere – and this is a great thing! I’m personally thankful to be living in a time where we as a society, women especially, are learning to prioritize taking time to care for our wellbeing amidst wrangling home life, parenting, family obligations, careers, and everything else that ends up on our plate. Self-care is taking time to make sure that your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual needs are being met….

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On Being Tested

On Being Tested

I once heard Oprah say in a podcast that you have to be careful what you ask for because sometimes the things we ask God, a higher power, or the universe for will come to us in ways we may not expect. For example, you might ask for something like courage, and then you’ll be faced with terrifying events in your life that give you no choice but to be courageous. If I remember correctly she joked that the year…

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The Power of An Unsent Letter

The Power of An Unsent Letter

When a friend, partner, or even a family member exits your life closure is not guaranteed. In most cases,  you don’t get real closure unless you seek it out. Some people will even argue that the entire concept of closure is a myth and that no one ever truly feels genuine closure. I personally disagree with this. I do think there are exceptions, but in my experience closure and acceptance of a situation are somewhat synonymous and often obtainable. Not…

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Morning Mindset Affirmations (FREE Printable!)

Morning Mindset Affirmations (FREE Printable!)

Happy Wednesday readers! Today I want to share with you some affirmation printables/downloads that I have been using specifically in the morning to get my day off to the right start. Before I get into the free printables, I want to share with you why I’ve started using affirmations in my mornings again. My daughter is a morning person through and through. I love mornings too, but there’s a stark difference between waking up early and savoring a cup of…

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My Winter Reading List

My Winter Reading List

One of my hopes for 2020 is to read more books. I’ve started picking up a book before bed and reading until my eyes get tired. Doing this is very relaxing and a wonderful way to wind down for the night! I thought I would share with you what I’m currently reading and what is in the queue for this winter. If you have any book suggestions I would love it if you shared them with me in the comments…

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Taking Control of Your Mindset

Taking Control of Your Mindset

January has begun and it is the month of aspired change, hope, and of course – goals! Whether you make a goal in January or any other time of the year, we all know that sometimes it isn’t easy to stick to a goal you have set for yourself. Today I want to talk about what I believe is the driving force behind not just achieving the goals you set for yourself, but overall improving the quality of your life:…

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2020: Trust, Self Care & Growth

2020: Trust, Self Care & Growth

A new year – a new decade. A plethora of opportunities laid before us – all for the taking if we so choose. Happy New Year! Welcome to 2020! I hope that you had a wonderful New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day celebration! Kevin and I started a new tradition of doing our end of the year burning ritual that I talked about in my last post. I must say – it felt good. We set our intentions for 2020 and wrote…

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Burning The Bad To Welcome The Better

Burning The Bad To Welcome The Better

We are now in the final days of 2019. Many of us are looking forward to the clean slate of a new year. 2019 was a decent year for me, there were ups and downs like any other year but ultimately I feel as though I grew a bit this year. This particular new year will be bringing me face to face with major life decisions I’ve been intentionally saving off for 2020, and so for that reason, I am…

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