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Tag: gentle parenting

No More Crying Over Spilled Milk : A Story About Breaking A Cycle in Motherhood

No More Crying Over Spilled Milk : A Story About Breaking A Cycle in Motherhood

Earlier this year I had a profound experience in parenting – one in which I got to see a cycle from my past be broken before my eyes. My daughter had picked a flower out of a bouquet we had and asked if she could put it on the nightstand in her room in a glass of water. At the time, she was newly 4 1/2 and I knew that the chances that this cup of water would wind up…

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The “Terrible 2’s” Myth

The “Terrible 2’s” Myth

Today I want to talk about the “Terrible 2’s” and how they aren’t really that terrible. Julia turned 2 in August and I had always heard about how 2-year-olds can be terrible and apparently 3-year-olds worse but I’m not sure that I really agree with the sentiment. Julia is certainly a strong-willed, fire fueled little Leo girl – there’s no doubting that. However, I refuse to believe that a strong-willed toddler, especially a girl, is a bad thing.  Over time…

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The Most Important Parenting Lesson I’ve Learned

The Most Important Parenting Lesson I’ve Learned

I can still remember so clearly the single most difficult day of being a mother (so far). I can remember this day so vividly and just thinking about it brings me right back. It was the day I made a decision to break the cycle of what I grew up around: impatience. Let me explain. On this day, Julia was about four months old and in the throws of the withdrawal process for her seizure medication she had been on…

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