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Tag: positivity

To My Peers: We Got This

To My Peers: We Got This

Most of you who read my blog are my peers age-wise and at this point in our lives, our 20s, there is a lot of growing going on. During this time in our life, we enter new responsibilities; securing employment, paying bills, rent or a mortgage, learning to budget, to grocery shop and cook –  and to maintain the spaces we live in. We experience relationships, breakups, new friends, the loss of old friends, and some may experience grief for…

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My Top 5 Favorite Podcasts

My Top 5 Favorite Podcasts

Happy Monday readers! Today’s post is a list of some of my favorite podcasts. I personally enjoy listening to podcasts in the morning while getting ready for the day. Listening to a podcast is something I began to implement into my morning routine earlier this year and it has become one of my favorite parts of the morning! I typically go for podcasts that are inspiring, self-improvement based, and thought-provoking. I hope you consider checking out one or all of…

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My Experience With ‘Future Self Journaling’

My Experience With ‘Future Self Journaling’

In a previous post, The Magic of Journaling I briefly touched upon Future Self Journaling mentioning that I would eventually make a post specifically about my experience with it and why I would recommend it to others. Well, this is that post! I first learned of The Holistic Psychologist aka Nicole LePera a few months ago on Instagram. I found her page and her Future Self Journaling (FSJ) work to be very interesting. To me, it resembled a way of using…

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The Only Thing You Can Control

The Only Thing You Can Control

  Life has been…different lately. I almost feel like I’m on an episode of Big Brother where the tagline is “Expect the unexpected!”.  And to that I would say – no thanks, I prefer my predictability! However life always has a way of shaking things up, right?  You’ve got the seasons, the long amounts of time in life where things are a certain way – good or bad, easy or tough, then you have the waves. The waves being, shorter…

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There Is No Shame In Who You Are

There Is No Shame In Who You Are

  Happy Wednesday! Today I want to talk about something that has been on my mind lately and that is, being yourself. The true, authentic, you, and doing so without fear. When I first started this blog I really struggled with what I wanted to name it. This is always the case with online accounts that are going to essentially represent you in a way, isn’t it? I brainstormed for literally over a week until I finally realized, I’m never…

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Gratitude & Contentment

Gratitude & Contentment

Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Contentment: a state of happiness and satisfaction. Earlier this year when thinking about what I wanted my New Year’s Resolutions to be, I really wanted to focus on contentment. I think at some point I fell to the wayside with that but I’m finding my way back there now. I think contentment and gratitude really go hand in hand. Sometimes you have to stop and…

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