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Tag: self awareness

Learning to Grow (& speaking up)

Learning to Grow (& speaking up)

When I was in my 2nd year of high school, one of my media shop teachers did an activity where we all sat at a round table and he went one by one and told us what he perceived to be our “fatal flaw”. In my life, there have been a handful of memories that really stand out — defining moments if you will — and this particular memory is one of them. My fatal flaw was: I’m afraid to speak…

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The Only Thing You Can Control

The Only Thing You Can Control

  Life has been…different lately. I almost feel like I’m on an episode of Big Brother where the tagline is “Expect the unexpected!”.  And to that I would say – no thanks, I prefer my predictability! However life always has a way of shaking things up, right?  You’ve got the seasons, the long amounts of time in life where things are a certain way – good or bad, easy or tough, then you have the waves. The waves being, shorter…

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