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Category: real life

More Than Just A Mom: Finding Connection and Identity

More Than Just A Mom: Finding Connection and Identity

The word rut seems to be the word for 2020 so far. It has been a difficult few months. While I still don’t believe that two-year-olds are “terrible”  sometimes they are HARD to manage.  I have been feeling some serious parent burnout lately. Being home all day with a 2-year-old and socializing for the most part, with only one adult, my husband, day in day out can leave me feeling pretty understimulated mentally, a bit isolated and honestly pretty lonely….

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Getting In & Out of a Rut

Getting In & Out of a Rut

The beginning of 2020 has proven to be an interesting time. As I’ve mentioned in recent posts, I’ve been in a bit of a rut with my blog and honestly, a rut in my life in general. There are some things going on right now that I have no control of but affect me daily. I can admit that I’m the kind of person who needs to have a sense of control in my life and of course this is…

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On Being Tested

On Being Tested

I once heard Oprah say in a podcast that you have to be careful what you ask for because sometimes the things we ask God, a higher power, or the universe for will come to us in ways we may not expect. For example, you might ask for something like courage, and then you’ll be faced with terrifying events in your life that give you no choice but to be courageous. If I remember correctly she joked that the year…

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To My Peers: We Got This

To My Peers: We Got This

Most of you who read my blog are my peers age-wise and at this point in our lives, our 20s, there is a lot of growing going on. During this time in our life, we enter new responsibilities; securing employment, paying bills, rent or a mortgage, learning to budget, to grocery shop and cook –  and to maintain the spaces we live in. We experience relationships, breakups, new friends, the loss of old friends, and some may experience grief for…

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To My Friend Dexter

To My Friend Dexter

I had something else planned for today’s post but life had other plans. I am not in the spirit to write the cheerful Christmas related post I had in mind for today. My family suffered a huge loss yesterday morning when our first family dog, Dexter, passed away. Dexter had been ill for a short time and never quite recovered after a surgery to remove a mass on his neck. It was determined he had cancer and the vet was…

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Something To Remember During The Holiday Season…

Something To Remember During The Holiday Season…

Happy Monday readers 🙂 I hope this post finds you doing and feeling well. I’ve been feeling a little off for the past couple of days. I didn’t post on Friday and I’ve been feeling creatively, and emotionally drained. And honestly?  A little sad about some things that I can’t control.  I know I’m not alone in this, and that’s why I want to talk about it today. The holidays, ideally, should be a time of celebration, joy, connection, and…

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Learning to Grow (& speaking up)

Learning to Grow (& speaking up)

When I was in my 2nd year of high school, one of my media shop teachers did an activity where we all sat at a round table and he went one by one and told us what he perceived to be our “fatal flaw”. In my life, there have been a handful of memories that really stand out — defining moments if you will — and this particular memory is one of them. My fatal flaw was: I’m afraid to speak…

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Plant The Seeds Of Your Goals In The Fall (Nature is Our Greatest Teacher)

Plant The Seeds Of Your Goals In The Fall (Nature is Our Greatest Teacher)

As I am writing this it is October. Only three months remain before we embark upon 2020. I have recently realized that this season of Fall is the perfect time to begin thinking about the goals you would like to achieve in the coming year. 2019 was the first year of my life that I made a New Year’s Resolution that I consistently worked on throughout the entire year.  I learned that when you focus on goals that are realistic and obtainable…

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On Being “Ghosted”

On Being “Ghosted”

It is bound to happen to all of us at least once in our lives. Someone that you once called “friend”, a best friend even, sort of slips out of your life with no explanation. I’m not talking about getting into an argument and mutually parting ways. I’m talking about situations where no conflict occurs, and yet the person just drops out of your life as though you never existed. It’s called being “ghosted” and I want to tell you my story…

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