You Don’t “Get Me”: A Tale of High School Embarrassment

You Don’t “Get Me”: A Tale of High School Embarrassment

Every few years I “rediscover” this band called Dinosaur Jr. that I enjoyed listening to during my high school years. One song, in particular, that was in heavy rotation on my mp3 player back then was this gem called Get Me. To this day if I listen to that song I can almost remember what it felt like to be a love-struck teenage girl. High school me basically came across to people one of two ways. Either you knew me as a…

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7 Budget Friendly Dinner Ideas

7 Budget Friendly Dinner Ideas

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about many changes in the lives of families worldwide. Between stay-at-home-orders mandated in many states and countries, restaurant dining rooms being closed, schools and activities canceled, job layoffs, and more, many more families are cooking at home and eating together than before, and in some cases, on a tighter budget than before. Coming from a one-income household myself since becoming a mom, I have some experience in planning affordable meals that are both filling and…

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Persist Like A Lotus

Persist Like A Lotus

Hello there readers. I hope that you are feeling and doing well ❤ Today I want to talk about the Lotus flower and why we can all learn something from it (especially with what is going on in the world right now). The lotus is a beautiful flower that originates in Asia. The thing that makes this flower so special is the way that it grows. “The Lotus plant is an aquatic perennial, native to southern Asia and Australia and…

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Life During the Pandemic

Life During the Pandemic

Hello readers, I hope this post finds you healthy and safe at home. If you are the front lines during this pandemic, medical professionals, those who work in any medical facility in general, EMS, etc – I thank you for your service during this terrifying time. I also want to say thank you to the grocery, pharmacy and convenience store workers who remain open at this time for the sake of everyone being able to eat and have essentials for…

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Women’s History Month: A Woman I Admire (part 2)

Women’s History Month: A Woman I Admire (part 2)

Happy Friday readers! I hope you are all doing well amidst the global pandemic we are experiencing at the moment. I am working on a post about that as well as how we are managing over here, but first I really wanted to complete my Women’s History Month series. I almost didn’t finish this series because honestly, I haven’t been feeling up to writing (outside of journaling) during all this craziness but at the same time, I feel like this…

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Women’s History Month: A Woman I Admire (part 1)

Women’s History Month: A Woman I Admire (part 1)

March is Women’s History Month and I thought what better time to talk about some outstanding women who have inspired me throughout my life. Women’s History Month focuses on the impacts women have had in history and society as well as the barriers we have broken through for equality, a path, that we are still on today in many different areas. I decided to make a two-part series because while there are so many women whom I admire for their talent,…

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Surviving Toddler Doctor’s Appointments

Surviving Toddler Doctor’s Appointments

When Julia was a baby, her checkups were not necessarily super difficult.  Every 3 months we’d pop in for our appointment, and hope the wait time wasn’t too long. Of course, even as a baby she never enjoyed getting vaccines but back then she didn’t have the ability to associate the doctor’s appointment with them just yet. This all changed when she was about 18 months old. We had been at her neurologist’s office for her 18 months check-up and…

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More Than Just A Mom: Finding Connection and Identity

More Than Just A Mom: Finding Connection and Identity

The word rut seems to be the word for 2020 so far. It has been a difficult few months. While I still don’t believe that two-year-olds are “terrible”  sometimes they are HARD to manage.  I have been feeling some serious parent burnout lately. Being home all day with a 2-year-old and socializing for the most part, with only one adult, my husband, day in day out can leave me feeling pretty understimulated mentally, a bit isolated and honestly pretty lonely….

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Getting In & Out of a Rut

Getting In & Out of a Rut

The beginning of 2020 has proven to be an interesting time. As I’ve mentioned in recent posts, I’ve been in a bit of a rut with my blog and honestly, a rut in my life in general. There are some things going on right now that I have no control of but affect me daily. I can admit that I’m the kind of person who needs to have a sense of control in my life and of course this is…

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Memories: My Grandfather’s Paper Houses

Memories: My Grandfather’s Paper Houses

The other day I was reminded of something my grandfather used to do as a hobby. I don’t remember ever actually witnessing my grandfather work on this hobby while I was around, I think it must’ve been something he did when we kids went home for the night (my grandparents took care of my brother, cousin and I while our parents worked). They were paper houses, like mini house models if you will. He didn’t need to buy any special…

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