WIML: A Wonderful Long Weekend
Kevin had a couple extra days off of work last week due to the 4th of July holiday and we had such a wonderful weekend!
On Wednesday night, I brought my niece Olivia to see Toy Story 4 with me and we had a great time! It was my first time going to the local movie theatre since they renovated and I was impressed with the upgrades – it was so cozy! My niece and I both really liked the movie but the ending was kind of disappointing. I think they may be setting us up for a 5th movie but.. do we need five?! Ultimately though it was a really fun night and not something I get to do too often so I really enjoyed the one on one time with miss Livi π
Thursday was 4th of July! In the morning we went down to Padnaram village for a little walk and to let Julia see the water. She absolutely loves going to the harbor and requests it pretty often, so on this morning we obliged. It was really hot though (as you can see in her rosy cheeks!) so we couldn’t stay for too long.
That afternoon we went to my mother and father in laws home to have a BBQ with family. It was really nice! Julia loves going to her grandparents house and chasing around the dog who she calls “baby” (His name is Bear, sometimes we call him Bearby so I think thats where she gets it from) and getting to play with her older cousin.
My mother in law also was able to blow up the baby pool we got last year but couldn’t figure out at the time, so Julia and Olivia got to have fun splashing around in it.
Friday morning we headed on over to the park bright and early as is my typical routine in the summer with Julia. She had so much fun on the swings and playing around, and definitely loved getting to have extra quality time with her daddy being home from work πLater that day we met up with our friend and Julia’s godfather, Jeff and got ice cream at Padnaram village and caught up on life since it had been quite a while since we had seen him.After Julia went to bed in theΒ evening I finally started on the new season of Stranger Things and boy.. I’m hooked. But taking it slower this time! I always go full on binge mode with Netflix shows then regret it when I have to wait a whole year for new episodes..
Saturday we did our local Harbor Walk in the morning! The harbor walk paths are so beautiful and refreshing but I don’t feel comfortable going on them alone so its a rare treat. It was such a warm and sunny morning and the ocean breeze was just perfect. Julia loved it! Her love for the water has got us thinking we definitely need to plan her first real beach trip soon π
Sunday was a laid back day, we really only went out to start getting some supplies for Julia’s birthday party. We are doing a Sesame Street theme! It is probably going to be much smaller than last year. We just don’t have the space currently for a big birthday party.Β I was hoping we would have found a house by now and could do a BBQ but it just wasn’t in the cards.
Next year for sure though, I hope! π
Julia is growing more each and every day and her little personality is really blossoming. She is so strong willed, and it can be challenging at times, but she is also so sweet! She loves to help us water the flowers at the cemetery; she so proudly brings the empty watering can to the hose – taking pauses to crouch down and see if she sees any bunnies.Β
She also loves helping feed our neighborhood kitty, whom we call Sweetie. She knows to be calm and gentle with her and it just warms my heart to know I’m raising such a little animal lover.
That was it! It was a wonderfully full weekend with lots of memories made. I love these summer weekends where we can actually get out of the house and do more! We are trying to make the most of the good weather while it’s here. On the agenda for the rest of the summer? Strawberry/blueberry picking, going to the Whaling museum, a beach trip and hopefully more!
I hope this post finds you well, and happy summer!