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Category: real life

No More Crying Over Spilled Milk : A Story About Breaking A Cycle in Motherhood

No More Crying Over Spilled Milk : A Story About Breaking A Cycle in Motherhood

Earlier this year I had a profound experience in parenting – one in which I got to see a cycle from my past be broken before my eyes. My daughter had picked a flower out of a bouquet we had and asked if she could put it on the nightstand in her room in a glass of water. At the time, she was newly 4 1/2 and I knew that the chances that this cup of water would wind up…

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Dear New Mom,

Dear New Mom,

There are so many things that you should know. Now, I’m not talking about how to swaddle a baby while bleary-eyed at 3 am in the morning…that is a talent few master and I have no advice for (I opted for a velcro swaddle after a few weeks and have purchased one for every friend/family baby shower since.). I’m also not talking about figuring out the perfect schedule for your baby, or how to pick the right diapers or wipes….

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I blinked and June arrived. I have dreaded this month, particularly this date, June 7th because it represents a life that will never be. A path that wasn’t mean to be taken. A child I wasn’t meant to know. Today would’ve been my second baby’s due date. Miscarriage grief is heavy and long. Most days I feel as though it might as well pack a bag and stay because it isn’t going anywhere. It’s not only present on the day…

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2021: Gratitude, Routine & Calm

2021: Gratitude, Routine & Calm

Happy New Year! Guys – we did it. 2020 is over! And while I realize that the new year does not flip a switch in world events, I will say that I feel optimistic and hopeful about what this year has in store. Part of me is genuinely hopeful that Covid will be less of a concern by this year’s end. I think (and hope) that the vaccines being administered will be successful and that with vaccination and continued adherence…

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What I Learned From 2020

What I Learned From 2020

Nothing is guaranteed.Isolation is lonely but it can trigger growth.Every single person is flawed.Forgiveness isn’t always necessary… …but letting go of our attachments to pain is.Self-advocacy can feel uncomfortable but it is essential.Expectations are useless.Boundaries are important.Trust your intuition.Gratitude has a positive ripple effect.You cannot plan everything.Children are incredibly resilient and we have so much to learn from them.How people present themselves on social media is often a façade.Comparison will always be the thief of joy.No trial is given without…

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Hello friends. This is not an easy post for me to write. I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not I wanted to post this. But ultimately, I feel the need to share my experience, because the truth is, as isolating and terrifying as this experience has been, I am far from alone in what happened to me. I have not yet had time to write about it here but in September we put an offer on a home…

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2020 Goals Review

2020 Goals Review

It is truly hard to believe that 2020 is soon coming to an end. I think that we can all agree that this year has been unlike any other that we have experienced. I’ve told this story a few times but I continue to tell it because it is a perfect example of the lack of control that we have when it comes to outside forces. Two weeks before the pandemic struck in the United States, I had one of…

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It’s Okay To Not Be Okay (& to talk about it)

It’s Okay To Not Be Okay (& to talk about it)

Hey there, readers, friends. It’s been a little while since I’ve made a post here, huh? To be honest there are so many reasons. Firstly, as I’ve briefly mentioned here before, I’m working on a writing project (I’d like to call a novel) and it has taken up a huge chunk of my free time – of which I don’t have a whole lot of to begin with since I spend most of my day chasing a toddler around ?….

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You Don’t “Get Me”: A Tale of High School Embarrassment

You Don’t “Get Me”: A Tale of High School Embarrassment

Every few years I “rediscover” this band called Dinosaur Jr. that I enjoyed listening to during my high school years. One song, in particular, that was in heavy rotation on my mp3 player back then was this gem called Get Me. To this day if I listen to that song I can almost remember what it felt like to be a love-struck teenage girl. High school me basically came across to people one of two ways. Either you knew me as a…

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Women’s History Month: A Woman I Admire (part 1)

Women’s History Month: A Woman I Admire (part 1)

March is Women’s History Month and I thought what better time to talk about some outstanding women who have inspired me throughout my life. Women’s History Month focuses on the impacts women have had in history and society as well as the barriers we have broken through for equality, a path, that we are still on today in many different areas. I decided to make a two-part series because while there are so many women whom I admire for their talent,…

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