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Tag: write

The Magic Of Journaling

The Magic Of Journaling

Happy Friday readers! 🙂 Today’s post is dedicated to journaling — why I started, how it is changing my life, and how to get started if journaling is something that you want to begin doing. Let’s jump right in! 🙂 Although I used to write a lot in high school, I stopped writing regularly around 2011. By that point, my life was much less stressful than it had been in recent years. I was no longer dealing with the stress…

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Fight Back Against The Resistance To Create

Fight Back Against The Resistance To Create

I want to share some advice I heard the other day in a podcast that really stuck with me. As I mentioned in my previous post, I have been binging on podcasts lately, specifically Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations (I listen for free on Spotify). I listened to the episode “Steven Pressfield: Unlock Your Creative Genius” and the message is one that has stayed with me over the past few days. Steven talks about how resistance almost always shows up when…

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