50 Hobby Ideas For Winter
On our way home from a family hike a few weekends ago, my daughter asked us what our favorite season was. This question came after Kevin and I had both complained about disliking the cold, windy weather we’d just experienced and me saying that I couldn’t wait for spring so that the trees would bud and the sun would come out again.
After thinking about her question, I realized that I liked all the seasons – except for winter.
It was easy for me to think of all the reasons that I liked the other three seasons.
In the spring, the weather begins getting warmer. We can spend more time outdoors with less bulky outerwear. We can start working on our flower garden again. We begin going on more hikes through some of our favorite trails before the ticks start becoming an issue. This year will be extra special because we will be welcoming our second baby into the family after waiting and wanting them for so long. This spring is a time of birth and new beginnings in nature, and this year, it will be for our family too.
The summer brings even more sunshine and longer days – not to mention the pool and sprinkler! BBQs in our backyard, trips to the beach, and watching the sunset as a family. On some summer nights, we light up the fire pit and toast some s’mores. So many of our favorite family memories have been made in the summer.
In the fall, school will return, and life gets a bit more routine. However, the weather is still nice enough for hikes, and a few more trips to the beach to throw rocks in the water. Our town also has a few nice fall festivals and farms that we enjoy visiting this time of year. I enjoy seeing the colors of the leaves change and the balance between implementing some favorite indoor activities (baking, making soups and stews again) while still getting to enjoy all our favorite outdoor activities since the weather is mild.
But then winter comes. The days get shorter and colder, the sun sets before Kevin is even home from work and we are faced with long evenings and weekends of indoor monotony.
Thinking about it, I’ve realized that aside from the holidays, there often isn’t a lot to look forward to in the winter. Compared to the other seasons, which all have their special activities, and lots of outdoor time, the winter is pretty bland. Something’s got to give, right?!
Julia’s question really got me thinking. How could we make winter better?
If we are going to be stuck indoors for the better part of three to four months, then what time could be better than the present to begin a new hobby or two?
Today I want to share a list of some hobby ideas that would be perfect to start during the winter since they all can be done indoors. Many of these are things your children could learn right along with you!

50 Winter Hobby Ideas
- Sewing
- Crochet
- Knitting
- Baking
- Try new Recipes
- Learn an instrument
- Reading an entire book series (ex: Harry Potter, Bridgerton)
- Writing (poetry, start a book!, blog, journal)
- Painting (watercolor, acrylic)
- Puzzles
- Soapmaking
- Make a vision board
- Yoga
- Grow herbs indoors
- Scrapbooking
- Learn how to read Tarot
- Start a mediation practice
- Wreath making
- Candle making
- Take an online class (many free options on the site linked)
- Chess
- Join a book club
- Learn about Astrology
- Bird Watching (set a feeder outside one of your windows!)
- Create Terraniums
- Start a houseplant collection (here are some easy ones to start with!)
- Make Sensory Bottles
- Make Jewelry
- Make DIY Home Decor
- Listen to Podcasts
- Learn Coding
- Wood Burning
- Start a New Tradition (Friday movie nights, Sunday dinners or tea)
- Caligraphy
- Learn a language
- Start a Youtube Channel
- Start a Dollhouse
- Listen to Audiobooks
- Start a Fish Tank
- Start a Bucket List
- Plan a Trip for Summer
- Photography
- Learn to Draw
- Learn a Style of Dance (great with a partner or alone!)
- Legos (perfect for kids and adults)
- Learn About Your Ancestry / Genealogy
- Learn Magic Tricks
- Explore an Artist’s Entire Discography
- Learn to Sculpt
- Basket Weaving
I hope that this list helped give you an idea or two 🙂
In the comments below I would love to know what are some hobbies that you enjoy!