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Category: mom life

8 Baby Products We Will Use Again for Baby #2

8 Baby Products We Will Use Again for Baby #2

I still remember being pregnant with Julia (my first baby) and feeling quite confused about making a baby registry. There were so many different products, so many different brands, and the part I dreaded the most – so many reviews to weed through. Ultimately, I made my choices based on two factors: things I remembered working well with my niece who I had spent a lot of time babysitting as an infant, and affordability. I tried to register for things…

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Motherhood Affirmations (FREE Printable!)

Motherhood Affirmations (FREE Printable!)

I noticed recently that there was an uptick in views of my post about gratitude affirmations. In this post, I included some free printables of gratitude affirmations that I’ve used in my daily life and journaling. It got me thinking, what are some affirmations that I have been using lately? To be honest, the affirmations that I find myself using the most lately are ones related to motherhood. As I prepare to welcome another baby in the spring, I have…

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Dear New Mom,

Dear New Mom,

There are so many things that you should know. Now, I’m not talking about how to swaddle a baby while bleary-eyed at 3 am in the morning…that is a talent few master and I have no advice for (I opted for a velcro swaddle after a few weeks and have purchased one for every friend/family baby shower since.). I’m also not talking about figuring out the perfect schedule for your baby, or how to pick the right diapers or wipes….

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Surviving Toddler Doctor’s Appointments

Surviving Toddler Doctor’s Appointments

When Julia was a baby, her checkups were not necessarily super difficult.  Every 3 months we’d pop in for our appointment, and hope the wait time wasn’t too long. Of course, even as a baby she never enjoyed getting vaccines but back then she didn’t have the ability to associate the doctor’s appointment with them just yet. This all changed when she was about 18 months old. We had been at her neurologist’s office for her 18 months check-up and…

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The “Terrible 2’s” Myth

The “Terrible 2’s” Myth

Today I want to talk about the “Terrible 2’s” and how they aren’t really that terrible. Julia turned 2 in August and I had always heard about how 2-year-olds can be terrible and apparently 3-year-olds worse but I’m not sure that I really agree with the sentiment. Julia is certainly a strong-willed, fire fueled little Leo girl – there’s no doubting that. However, I refuse to believe that a strong-willed toddler, especially a girl, is a bad thing.  Over time…

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WIML: A Wonderful Long Weekend

WIML: A Wonderful Long Weekend

Kevin had a couple extra days off of work last week due to the 4th of July holiday and we had such a wonderful weekend! On Wednesday night, I brought my niece Olivia to see Toy Story 4 with me and we had a great time! It was my first time going to the local movie theatre since they renovated and I was impressed with the upgrades – it was so cozy! My niece and I both really liked the…

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My Top 5 Baby Essentials (7-9 Months)

My Top 5 Baby Essentials (7-9 Months)

Wow! I seriously can’t believe I’m on the 2nd to last installment of this series! Julia just turned 9 months old and there have been a few new things we’ve been using to help her learn, and also make life easier. I started to see a huge jump in Julia’s development around 6 months. Suddenly she’s learning so many new things, and so fast! It is seriously a joy and relief to see her becoming a smart, determined-to-learn, little “junior…

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My Top 5 Baby Essentials (4-6 months)

My Top 5 Baby Essentials (4-6 months)

A whole almost 8 months have passed since my sweet baby girl was born! I cannot believe she is already closer to 1 than being born! In the past, I shared my top 5 baby essentials for the 0-3 month age, so of course, I had to follow up with the products I have found essential for months 4-6! I apologize that I’m a little late with this one! Wearable Blanket In my 0-3 month series, I shared my love…

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Stay At Home Mom Survival Tips

Stay At Home Mom Survival Tips

Having the opportunity to be a stay at home mom truly has been a blessing. It is both the most fulfilling thing and the most difficult thing I have ever done! I’ll soon be entering my 6th month of this crazy journey and I thought I would compile a few things that have helped me keep my sanity along the way. I think these things can particularly apply to stay at home parents, but also to any parents, because no matter…

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