My Top 5 Baby Essentials (4-6 months)
A whole almost 8 months have passed since my sweet baby girl was born! I cannot believe she is already closer to 1 than being born! In the past, I shared my top 5 baby essentials for the 0-3 month age, so of course, I had to follow up with the products I have found essential for months 4-6! I apologize that I’m a little late with this one!
Wearable Blanket
In my 0-3 month series, I shared my love for velcro swaddles. Unfortunately, once babies can roll over it is not recommended for them to be swaddled anymore. The next step for us was to transition her into using a wearable blanket/sleep sack at night and it has worked wonderfully! We have used both, Carter’s wearable blankets as well as the Halo sleep sack. Julia currently prefers the Halo sleep sack because it has more room for her long legs.
Rubber Bibs
We were so excited to enter the wonderful world of eating “real” food! Whether you start at 4 months or 6 (or later), rubber bibs are SUPER helpful. Certain foods stain clothes and bibs, and since our girl is drooling up a storm constantly due to teething, she needs a bib at all times, and I prefer her cotton ones to not to all be permanently stained. The rubber bibs are easy to clean (easier than the other alternative of plastic bibs) and reuse and help cut down on the endless amount of bib laundry we’ve been doing lately. You can find them pretty much anywhere.
Play Mat
Now that Julia is rolling back and forth, sitting well (still working on pulling up to a sit independently) and a happy playful little baby, she needs room to play that is also on a safe surface. We have both a foam playmat for her to play on, as well as the pad from her play gym. We recently got a carpet, but before this, we were always worried she’d roll onto the hardwood floor so the playmat was definitely helpful.
Teething rings
Julia has been teething for what feels like forever, and yet a tooth has not appeared. However, in the past week, she has had a few days where he teeth were bothering her quite a bit. I found freezing her Nuby Silicone Teeth-eez is a godsend. It calmed her down quickly and she was much more content after gnawing on it for a while. She is also a big fan of her “Raz-berry” teether.
Jumper or Exersaucer
Since Julia is still too young to understand Christmas, we decided to get her one big gift that she would be able to use in the coming months. We decided on a Little Einstein’s Jumper and once she was about 5 1/2 months old she was big enough to use it, and boy does she love it! I love watching her jump and squeal when she’s in it, and it has been a joy to see her use her hands and explore the different buttons and toys on it. She uses it every day and has a blast!