My Top 5 Baby Essentials (7-9 Months)
Wow! I seriously can’t believe I’m on the 2nd to last installment of this series! Julia just turned 9 months old and there have been a few new things we’ve been using to help her learn, and also make life easier. I started to see a huge jump in Julia’s development around 6 months. Suddenly she’s learning so many new things, and so fast! It is seriously a joy and relief to see her becoming a smart, determined-to-learn, little “junior toddler” (what I’ve been calling her these days haha). Here are 5 of my favorite and most useful products for the time span of 6-9 months.
Activity Table
Julia started eagerly wanting to pull to stand around 7 1/2 months old. She would grab our hands and pull her weight up so she could stand. We decided now would be a good time to get her an activity table that she could pull up on and play with to practice her standing. We ended up on getting this one from Target, although, I’m not sure how highly I recommend this particular one because after only a few days of use the sounds were totally not in sync with when you press the buttons. But other than that, it does help her to have something safe to pull up on and play with, and she really enjoys it!
Books With Flaps
Julia has always enjoyed being read to but now that she’s getting older and more curious, she really likes to point at certain things in her books! She especially loves books that have flaps that she can lift to reveal a picture behind. One of her (and mine) favorites is “Where’s The Ladybug?” I particularly like this book because its flaps are made of felt rather than paper! This is great because Julia totally ripped one of the tabs out of her book that was made of paper haha
Sippy Cups
Julia is totally over her bottle and it has been a struggle lately to get her to take it in one seating. However, we have started to introduce a sippy cup. It hasn’t been easy to find one that she likes but so far these two have been somewhat successful. I personally prefer the straw one and she does really well with it! But the main downside is that it is not too easy to clean. I found these both at Target. (Nuk sippy, Munchkin Straw sippy).
“Big Kid” Stroller
Julia recently switched over to her big girl car seat, so that meant the convenience of the caddy stroller that I just popped her car seat onto was over. Honestly, I was so dreading this switch because I really love seeing her when I push the stroller, and developmentally it is good for young babies to see their parents when being pushed. However, the time had come. We went with the Graco Pace for its affordability, weight and easy fold up. Julia LOVES riding in her stroller forward facing and seeing the world. We look forward to going on lots of walks this summer!
Snacks for On-The-Go
When we run errands I always like to have something on hand now for Julia to snack on. She’s never been a kid with a huge appetite at meal times but if she could snack all day on different things, she would! (She loves broccoli, peanut butter toast, and scrambled eggs!) My favorite on the go snacks for her are definitely various varieties of “Puff” snacks, and yogurt melts! I really like the Beechnut brand of yogurt “melties” but they are so hard to find! The only major downside to the Gerber melts is I’ve noticed they tend to stain clothes so thats a huge bummer.
And thats a wrap for my 7-9 month baby essentials! What are your “must haves” for babies this age? How about babies from 10-12?? I’m excited to see what the next few months bring – but also cannot beleive my baby is almost 1! TIme is flying by!
One thought on “My Top 5 Baby Essentials (7-9 Months)”
This post was so informative! I will definitely think about these products when I have a family.