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Category: Tips

How To Deal With A Toxic Family Member During The Holidays

How To Deal With A Toxic Family Member During The Holidays

Happy Wednesday readers! I hope this post finds you well. As we are approaching the holiday season I felt it was appropriate to share about a topic that many of us struggle with during this time of year: how to deal with a toxic family member. Most families have at least one person that is either difficult to be around (abrasive, argumentative, rude) or downright toxic (narcissistic, verbally abusive). While you may be able to avoid this person most of…

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My Experience With ‘Future Self Journaling’

My Experience With ‘Future Self Journaling’

In a previous post, The Magic of Journaling I briefly touched upon Future Self Journaling mentioning that I would eventually make a post specifically about my experience with it and why I would recommend it to others. Well, this is that post! I first learned of The Holistic Psychologist aka Nicole LePera a few months ago on Instagram. I found her page and her Future Self Journaling (FSJ) work to be very interesting. To me, it resembled a way of using…

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Learning to Grow (& speaking up)

Learning to Grow (& speaking up)

When I was in my 2nd year of high school, one of my media shop teachers did an activity where we all sat at a round table and he went one by one and told us what he perceived to be our “fatal flaw”. In my life, there have been a handful of memories that really stand out — defining moments if you will — and this particular memory is one of them. My fatal flaw was: I’m afraid to speak…

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Plant The Seeds Of Your Goals In The Fall (Nature is Our Greatest Teacher)

Plant The Seeds Of Your Goals In The Fall (Nature is Our Greatest Teacher)

As I am writing this it is October. Only three months remain before we embark upon 2020. I have recently realized that this season of Fall is the perfect time to begin thinking about the goals you would like to achieve in the coming year. 2019 was the first year of my life that I made a New Year’s Resolution that I consistently worked on throughout the entire year.  I learned that when you focus on goals that are realistic and obtainable…

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How to Incorporate Hygge Into Your Life ( + a list of activities!)

How to Incorporate Hygge Into Your Life ( + a list of activities!)

Hygge. You may have heard this term floating around in recent years. In truth, it’s not actually a new thing but rather something Danish people have been practicing for years – a cultural tradition. After learning about Hygge it shouldn’t surprise you that the people of Denmark are considered to be some of the happiest people in the world! Hygge (pronounced “hoo gah”) is a Danish term to describe a lovely feeling of coziness, comfort, and simplified living. Having a…

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The Magic Of Journaling

The Magic Of Journaling

Happy Friday readers! 🙂 Today’s post is dedicated to journaling — why I started, how it is changing my life, and how to get started if journaling is something that you want to begin doing. Let’s jump right in! 🙂 Although I used to write a lot in high school, I stopped writing regularly around 2011. By that point, my life was much less stressful than it had been in recent years. I was no longer dealing with the stress…

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The Only Thing You Can Control

The Only Thing You Can Control

  Life has been…different lately. I almost feel like I’m on an episode of Big Brother where the tagline is “Expect the unexpected!”.  And to that I would say – no thanks, I prefer my predictability! However life always has a way of shaking things up, right?  You’ve got the seasons, the long amounts of time in life where things are a certain way – good or bad, easy or tough, then you have the waves. The waves being, shorter…

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How To Be Grateful For What You Have (in a world that says you need more)

How To Be Grateful For What You Have (in a world that says you need more)

“Remember the days you prayed for what you have now…” There will always be *something* we want in life that we are working towards. Whether it is material things such as a vehicle, computer, house, etc or life goals such as finding love, having a child, obtaining a degree or publishing your own work — there will always be SOMETHING we are hoping to achieve. It’s a good thing — goals keep us going. However, with certain goals taking years to achieve, life can…

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The Most Important Parenting Lesson I’ve Learned

The Most Important Parenting Lesson I’ve Learned

I can still remember so clearly the single most difficult day of being a mother (so far). I can remember this day so vividly and just thinking about it brings me right back. It was the day I made a decision to break the cycle of what I grew up around: impatience. Let me explain. On this day, Julia was about four months old and in the throws of the withdrawal process for her seizure medication she had been on…

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