What I Learned From 2020

What I Learned From 2020

Nothing is guaranteed.Isolation is lonely but it can trigger growth.Every single person is flawed.Forgiveness isn’t always necessary… …but letting go of our attachments to pain is.Self-advocacy can feel uncomfortable but it is essential.Expectations are useless.Boundaries are important.Trust your intuition.Gratitude has a positive ripple effect.You cannot plan everything.Children are incredibly resilient and we have so much to learn from them.How people present themselves on social media is often a façade.Comparison will always be the thief of joy.No trial is given without…

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Hello friends. This is not an easy post for me to write. I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not I wanted to post this. But ultimately, I feel the need to share my experience, because the truth is, as isolating and terrifying as this experience has been, I am far from alone in what happened to me. I have not yet had time to write about it here but in September we put an offer on a home…

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Recipe: Orange Cake With Brown Sugar Glaze

Recipe: Orange Cake With Brown Sugar Glaze

Today’s recipe is my own spin on a commonly made dessert in some Portuguese households, bolo de laranja, or simply, Orange Cake!I’ll be the first to admit – my version is a simplified version of this traditional dessert with my own modifications, but I have made it for my family a few times now to positive reviews 🙂 The best part is that you only need a few ingredients that you probably already have on hand. So let’s get started!…

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2020 Goals Review

2020 Goals Review

It is truly hard to believe that 2020 is soon coming to an end. I think that we can all agree that this year has been unlike any other that we have experienced. I’ve told this story a few times but I continue to tell it because it is a perfect example of the lack of control that we have when it comes to outside forces. Two weeks before the pandemic struck in the United States, I had one of…

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Favorite Books for Toddlers (2 – 4 years old)

Favorite Books for Toddlers (2 – 4 years old)

When it comes to parenting advice, especially for your first child, the comments are endless. While some are helpful, others rude, not much truly stuck with me if I’m being honest. But there was one piece of advice that did. When Julia was in the NICU there were so many unknowns. No one could give us a concrete answer about what to expect. Over and over we were told the term every HIE family is all too familiar with, “wait…

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How To Tackle Insecurity In Creative Pursuits

How To Tackle Insecurity In Creative Pursuits

I realized this morning that I have been working on my little passion project/book for an entire seven months now. That is a huge deal for me. I am the queen of starting multiple projects all at once, not focusing enough on either of them only to eventually give up. I have stuck to this project for six solid months. I’ve opened the document (almost) every day for roughly 210 days. Some days adding a sentence, other days 10 pages….

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It’s Okay To Not Be Okay (& to talk about it)

It’s Okay To Not Be Okay (& to talk about it)

Hey there, readers, friends. It’s been a little while since I’ve made a post here, huh? To be honest there are so many reasons. Firstly, as I’ve briefly mentioned here before, I’m working on a writing project (I’d like to call a novel) and it has taken up a huge chunk of my free time – of which I don’t have a whole lot of to begin with since I spend most of my day chasing a toddler around ?….

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5 Houseplants That Are Easy To Keep Alive

5 Houseplants That Are Easy To Keep Alive

Happy Friday! I hope this post finds you doing well and enjoying the summer. Today I want to talk about a little passion of mine – and that is house plants! I got my first houseplant shortly before I moved out of my parent’s home in 2016. It was actually a gift from my co-workers at the time, for administrative assistants’ day! I had never had a house plant before and my mother didn’t like plants or flowers at all…

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Keeping the Memory of Our Loved Ones Alive

Keeping the Memory of Our Loved Ones Alive

May 31st will always be a marked day for me. It is the day that my grandmother, a major mother figure in my life, passed away after a 9 month battle with cancer. She was only 66 years old. I was 11. The loss of my grandmother was the first loss I had ever experienced in my life up until this point – and tragically, my grandmother was also the person whom I had felt closest to. Grief has many…

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Quarantine Life Update

Quarantine Life Update

Hello again, readers. It’s been a minute since I’ve posted here. I’ve stepped away from blogging for a bit for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I’ve been working on a writing project that has been taking up a lot of my already limited free time. It’s a little passion project that I’m still a little insecure to talk about – but the day will come, I’m sure. It has been keeping me sane, having something to work on that is…

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